Summit Package: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Essence of Mastery Summits

2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Essence of Mastery Summit Full audio and video recordings all devoted to coaching mastery.

 (Important note: because these are past summits there are no CCEUs given)

48 Modules

2021: Alison Whitmire, PCC

Top 3 Ways Coaches Get in The Way of Coaching
with Alison Whitmire

Our coaching choices are filtered through our internal narratives, some of which are hidden to us, and may prevent us from being present to deep desires of our clients.

2021: Dr. Ben Koh, MCC

What is missing in our coach training?

with Ben Koh

Therapists and coaches are trained to be in control of the process of guiding their clients towards change. Coaches help clients find the motivation to move on from a difficult situation and therapists help turn a client’s motivation problems to action. Interestingly, while both shared the same goals, it is noteworthy to consider that therapist training is often deeper and more intense than most coach training. In this presentation, Dr Ben will share how a transformational approach blends the 2 disciplines to enable a change that is deep and sustainable.

2021: Fran Fisher, MCC

Who I am Being Empowers My Coaching

Calling Forth Greatness: Who I am Being Empowers My Coaching Mastery What human beings can be they must be. They must be true to their own nature. This need we may call self-actualization. Abraham Maslow

2021: George M. Nuthu, PCC

Enhancing a Coach's Credibility By Applying The Updated ICF Code of Ethics
with George M. Nuthu

Reviewing the updated ICF Code of Ethics and recommitting to understand and apply them to enhance your credibility as a Professional Coach.

  • Know and understand the highlights of updated ICF code of Ethics (CoE) 
  • Identify the difference between the update CoE and the old CoE 
  • Apply the updated CoE to enhance credibility as a coach 
  • Enhance ethical maturity for the benefit of the client, coach and profession

2021: Linda McLoughlin, MCC

Context and Culture – coaching mindset or minefield? Experiences in the field

with Linda McLoughlin

    “Coaching Mindset” – ICF’s new core competency - invites us as coaches to be truly open, curious, flexible and client-centered.  How do we embody this at MCC level especially in relation to culture and context? In addition, the coaching profession is becoming ever more global and diverse facilitated by technology and virtual communications in a post-COVID world.

    Linda shares her own experience of living and breathing this as an Irish-born master coach working across five continents and resident in the United Arab Emirates since 2012.  The UAE is a hugely diverse country where over 200 cultures co-exist.

    What does mastery look like in terms of coaching clients from very different cultures; ethnicities and environments to our own?  Linda’s thought-provoking and real conversation will explore the challenges of authenticity; vulnerability; dancing in the moment and risk in working multi-culturally highlighted by her own life experiences.

    2021: Dr. Lloyd Sain, PCC

    Maintaining Coach Mindset with Presence: The Four C’s to Avoid

    with Dr. Lloyd Sain, PCC

    The challenge for many coaches is the ability to remain objective and present with the client in a way that allows clients to choose their destination in the conversation.

    Another frequent challenge of the coach is to “develop and maintain the ability to regulate one’s emotion or stay present with the client” in the coaching, which the ICF now defines as “Embodies a Coaching Mindset.”

    Rather than maintaining presence and coaching mindset that are focused, curious, observant, empathetic, responsive and client-centered, coaches resort to roles of consolers, convincers, controller, or commiseration, which are not aligned to the competencies of masterful coaching.  

    This misalignment of mindset and presence have shown up in four distinct behaviors or Four C’s that are often automatic, subconscious, and ineffectual ways of coaching.

    Learning objectives; Participants will learn how to: 

    • Identify awareness of the Four C’s (consoling, commiserating, convincing, and controlling), and how these unproductive behaviors show up in a coaching conversation.  
    • Explore the triggers or reactivity that produces the Four C’s and how to manage the reactivity to embody coach mindset and maintain presence.  
    • Explore new behaviors in their coaching that will foster greater coach mindset and presence

    2021: Lyssa deHart, MCC

    EMPOWER Your Clients & Light Up Their Minds
    with Lyssa deHart

    Have you ever had clients circle the same pattern or issue and not really move past it? Do you find your clients don’t follow through on their actions, and their energy dwindles through the coaching engagement?

    Learn what it takes to empower your clients and light up their minds.

    Participants will gain confidence in how to use the ICF Core Competencies as a container for the coaching conversation. They will learn how their questions can be either Positive Emotional Attractors (PEA) or Negative Emotional Attractors (NEA). And, how shifting the focus of their curiosity towards PEA or NEA either increase psychological safety and open mindset or decrease psychological safety and trigger a stressed brain.

    Learn to be led through the internal landscape of another human being. Discover how you can support their brain to light up. And, EMPOWER your clients to purposefully move towards their goals.

    2021: Marina Jankovic, MCC

    Elevating consciousness through coaching
    with Marina Jankovic

    Coaching is about creating more than change - it’s about elevating consciousness. 

    Participants will learn how to:

    • Coach a whole person, with integrating core coaching competences
    • Create the energetic bond needed to support client to connect with a deeper self
    • Connect with inner stillness and wisdom, and trust we will know exactly what is needed in the moment
    • Achieve mastery state of being by practicing curiosity and creativity

    2021: Tonya Echols, PCC

    Core Competencies in Times of Crisis
    with Tonya Echols

    The unprecedented events of the last year have taken a toll on the world, leaving clients feeling overwhelmed and coaches feeling out of their depth as to how to support them. This session connects several key ICF Core Competency concepts to the values and skills coaches already possess to help our clients find solutions during difficult times.

    2021: BONUS SESSION: Alison Whitmire interviewing Annie Gelfand on what it takes to pass the MCC Performance Evaluation

    2020: Ben Koh

    Transcendent - Coaching in the Moment

    with Ben Koh

    This presentation will deep dive exploring the competency to invoke inquiry for greater understanding, awareness, and clarity. It will also highlight the importance of being present and flexible during the coaching process, dancing in the moment so that the coach can access his or her own intuition and trusts one’s inner knowing.


    2020: Cherie Silas

    Introduction to systems coaching: What is it and how is it different than coaching individuals
    with Cherie Silas

    Empowering the client - inviting the client to determine direction, improvement focus, action items, etc.

    2020: Diana Ideus

    No One Listens Like Coaches Listen
    with Diana Ideus

    You can’t be a coach if you don’t listen.  No one listens like coaches listen; we hear the words that define clients’ lives, hear the messages they limit and inspire themselves with, hear the things that aren’t said.  Listening is a skill that can be developed and leveraged to increase mastery in your coaching.

    2020: Fran Fisher

    Calling Forth Greatness: Who I am Being Empowers My Coaching 
    with Fran Fisher

    Calling Forth Greatness: Who I am Being Empowers My Coaching Mastery  What human beings can be they must be. They must be true to their own nature. This need we may call self-actualization. Abraham Maslow

    2020: Ihab Badawi

    Coaching Wholeness: Creating Deeper & Sustainable Impact
    with Ihab Badawi

    2020: Ivan Young

    Creating intimacy and trust with your client. The Empathetic path toward the Generational Moment
    with Dr.. D. Ivan Young

      Creating intimacy and trust with your client. The Empathetic path toward the Generational Moment Why is mastering the generational moment so important when it comes to connecting to and creating trust and intimacy with a client.  What is so important about enjoying the ride while in a coaching session? If it's NOT about getting there then what's the real objective...the journey! 

      2020: Judith Duhl

      Conscious Competence to Unconscious Competence: The leap into mastery
      with Judith Duhl

      Conscious Competence to Unconscious Competence: The leap into mastery "Coaching Wholeness: Creating Deeper & Sustainable Impact "1- What is it to coach the whole of the client? 2- What about the Coach's wholeness? 3- How the Core competencies come to play to support coaching wholeness. 4- Being immersed in coaching wholeness: a two-way process"

      2020: Teresa Pool

      Get off your Coaching Couch!
      with Teresa Pool

      The Plateau. When the client gets what they came for. Woohoo! But what are we and the clients missing out on when we rest on these amazing laurels? Coaching has the power to transform through deep awareness and we often miss out on that because it requires US to transform the way we show up as a coach.

      2020: Tuende Erdoes

      Integrative presence: Debunking the myths and realities around coaching presence and goal attainment
      with Tuende Erdos

      This presentation will dive underneath the myths around coaching presence. We can find manifold descriptions and a myriad of concepts when we set out to investigate what coaching presence involves. 

      2019: Jane Adshead-Grant

      Finding the Jewel in the Rubble; Unlock the Power of Independent Thinking
      with Jane Adshead-Grant

      Jane will explore how to use Generative Listening and Powerful Questioning, challenge limiting assumptions, and generate breakthrough ideas, actions and strategies, to help your clients breakthrough when they feel stuck.


      2019: Michael Arloski

      From Proficient to Masterful: ICF Competencies in Health and Wellness Coaching
      with Michael Arloski

      Health & Wellness Coaching may be the fastest growing area of coaching. Coaching for Lasting Lifestyle Change takes deeper skill than is often seen in large delivery systems. Michael will explore both How To Be and What To Do in wellness coaching at a masterful level.

      2019: Sylviane Cannio

      Dare to Bond, it Boosts Change!
      with Sylviane Cannio

      Sylviane will discuss how to deepen trust when you begin working with a new client and how this differs at a Master coach level. She will explore pitfalls and challenges, and what to stay alert to when creating a bond.

      2019: Philip Cohen

      Ethics: Pitfalls and Opportunities
      with Philip Cohen

      In this rich and deep exploration of ethics as it applies at a masterful level, Philip discusses how the ICF Code of Ethical Conduct sets the professional coach apart from the “counterfeit coach”.

      2019: Cynthia Loy Darst

      Creating Awareness? Awareness of What?
      with Cynthia Loy Darst

      As coaches, a large part of what we do is to create awareness for our clients. Active listening and curiosity are especially powerful competencies that, when applied masterfully, can help clients reveal patterns of limiting beliefs and explore more empowering perspectives no matter the situation.

      2019: Fran Fisher

      Deeper, Sooner: Establishing the Coaching Agreement
      with Fran Fisher

      • In the last twenty years, since the core competencies were designed, assessors and coaching skills trainers have learned this: There are key elements for success and effectiveness that will transform the quality of your coaching conversations with the client, from a surface level conversation, to a transformational conversation. Fran will share those key elements with you in this thought provoking and thorough conversation.
      • PLUS, you will get an additional bonus - Fran doing a 20-minute coaching demo of this competency PLUS an additional 13-minute bonus of Fran and Annie debriefing the demo.

      You will find these additional sessions with Fran and Annie inside the audio section of Fran’s section.

      For the handout: Deeper Sooner – Establishing the Coaching Agreement, please send your request email to:

      2019: Annie Gelfand

      Silence: A Coaching Super Power
      with Annie Gelfand

      Silence is something that many people find uncomfortable. What is it about silence that is so hard to be with? Silence is a potent and powerful catalyst when used appropriately, especially combined with several of the ICF Core Competencies. Our discussion will explore what is it about silence that makes it so powerful as a coaching tool.

      2019: David Giwerc

      Neuro-Diversity: Transforming the Coaching Lens of ADHD from Dis-ability to Different-Abilities
      with David Giwerc

      David will share the essence of ADHD Coaching and the powerful neuroscience that supports it using creative and inspiring language essential for empowering individuals with ADHD, (6-8% of the world population), to create fulfilling lives. David will demonstrate how he uses the coaching process to help his ADHD clients overcome the invisible challenges.

      2019: Jeanine Macusi

      The Power of Emotional Distinctions for Client Breakthroughs
      with Jeanine Macusi

      Jeanine takes listeners on an exploration into how to use your client’s story as a primary emotional backdrop and powerful change agent. She will show you how facilitating client breakthroughs is an emotional process through connection, ease and living the journey their Soul came to tell.

      2019: Marilyn O'Hearne

      How to Communicate Directly Without Crossing the Line
      with Marilyn O'Hearne

      Are you walking a thin line between wanting to be direct without crossing over into being too directive? Learn how to better utilize this misunderstood, under-utilized ICF Core Competency of Direct Communication for greater impact and results, especially regarding cultural differences. Discover the line you do not want to cross between being direct and directive and how to use magical metaphors as a “back door to the brain” to courageously cut to the heart of the matter.

      2019: Jay Perry

      A Masterful Coaching Wonder-Shop
      with Jay Perry

      Is there a right way to coach? Join Jay Perry for a provocative and energizing conversation where we call into question what we know about coaching and face the invisible challenge for masterful coaching: a total immersion in a state of wonder. Jay will explore mastery beyond the ICF Core Competencies provocatively offering very different perspectives on the foundations of being a coach.

      2019: Patrick Williams

      Emotional Learning & Self Disclosure in Coaching
      with Patrick Williams

      All coaching is eventually about meaning-making, and increasing self-awareness for the client. Coaching creates a sacred space for naked conversations that assists clients to take back the energy that has been hooked to hiding any negative thoughts, old hurts, or limiting beliefs.

      2019: Georgina Woudstra

      Putting Coaching Back Into Team Coaching
      with Georgina Woudstra

      Team coaching is one of the fastest growing fields in coaching, yet little is understood about the Art of Team Coaching. In this presentation, Georgina will explore the ICF Core Competencies as they apply to team coaching, where they are similar and vastly different.

      Modules for this product 48
      Buy Summit Package: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 Essence of Mastery Summits

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